Prepare For Your Interview

Prepare For Your Interview

job interviewBy Sophia Demetriades


After sending out a dozen resumes and filling out countless applications, you will finally land your first interview. Keep in mind that your resume is there to get you the interview and your interview is there to get the job. If the aim of the interview is to get the job, you need to keep this in mind when you go and prepare for total success.


DIA host a workshop where we train and prepare interns for job interviews. We do a practice interview, go through typical interview questions and answers, and have fun working on impressive and interesting techniques to land the job. DIA love being the first to congratulate a successful candidate! Call us when you land the job and receive a free gift.


What to prepare

It is exciting to both perform and prepare for your interview, and it is also very important to focus and prepare properly beforehand so that you do your best.

Most interviews are pretty similar, so you can do well by remembering to bring the following:

A professional and presentable folder containing:


Your most recent and perfectly edited RESUME

A COVER LETTER adjusted to the position in question

A Copy of your TRANSCRIPTS

A copy of any other course certificates

A copy of any REFERENCES and AWARDS

Prepared ANSWERS and QUESTIONS to typical interview questions

Although your interviewer will have the resume you used to apply for the interview, you should bring the most recent version, along with some extra copies and the documents mentioned above – organized in a folder. You will most likely not need all of these during the interview, however you will impress the interviewer by showing up prepared and professional.

Questions and Answers

The interview will probably take 30 minutes and you will probably be asked anywhere between 3-7 questions. Many interviewers stick with common questions, such as “Why should we hire you for this position?”, or “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, or “How do you act in X situation (demonstrate)?


Preparing answers to these personality questions ahead of time, will help you know what you should say before the question is asked which means you will have a better answer (remember how you should study for an exam?). If you get stuck during preparation, a quick Google search will return dozens of these types of questions and answers. NOTE: Do not compy what others have done, you need to answer the questions properly with TRUE examples from YOUR OWN life. They are hiring you, not a cheater who copied someone else hard work (remember how plagiarism is uncool?!)


Spend a few hours researching the company and be able to explain why you want to work at the firm, and why you are the perfect candidate to work there. Don’t be frantic and tell the person straight out that you are perfect and that’s it. Explain slowly why and what value you can add.


YOUR Questions to ask

One of the most important opportunities that many students pass up, and most common mistakes, is the chance to ask questions at the end of the interview. Almost all interviewers give you a chance to ask a question; not having a question prepared will make you seem uninterested in the position, as if you don’t want to learn more about them. Using the research you prepared about the company and industry, ask specific questions such as “What makes your company stand out from its competitors”, or make the interview more personal by asking the interviewer why they chose to come to work for the company, or if there are any specific goals the company is currently planning for and how you fit in with those. Again, Google can help you generate ideas on dozens of questions to ask, and you can also use DIAs Interviewee questions.


Spending time before your interview to organize your documents, answers, and questions, you can ensure that you will show confidence, professionalism, and preparation. When your interviewer sees your interest in the position, you have a much better chance of making it to the next round. Get a High Distinction on your job interview through one of DIAs workshops.


Interview Strategy – Surround Effects

The Internet and Information Age has made recruiting much more impersonal. Many large organisations, resumes are actually screened through keyword-finding software, and resumes that do not match the keywords are immediately discarded. Online application systems can sometimes feel like throwing your resume like boomerang that never returns.


If you really want an interview, you will have to find creative ways to get noticed, and you must not give up. P.S. Don’t be annoying and bug the company – that is not the right strategy to get a job.


Some ways to stand out include:

1. Inside Contacts

One of the most effective and easiest ways of getting an interview is to know someone that already works for the organization. If you don’t already know someone at the firm, find ways to introduce yourself. Network with friends and family; even the most remote connection can open the door. Have coffee across the road from the office you want to work for and examine the people that already work there.


2. Send in a Hard Copy Resume with your signature in a blank white envelope with handwritten address to the Directror.

Most jobs are not advertised. Show you are valuable and interested by sending in a physical copy. Sending your resume in with a signature confirmation required can ensure that someone in the office actually accepts the letter. There is no guarantee it will reach the hiring director, but your resume will definitely be differentiated and you can always send three, three weeks in a row or drop it off at the reception.


3. Show up in person

A Fortune 500 company probably receives thousands of online resumes so you can stand out by showing up at the company in person. Walk into the office and ask to speak with a Human Resources Manager about the position in question. Of course, be sure you have your folder with your resume and supporting documents and are completely prepared. Your resume will now have a face and personality behind it instead of just another piece of paper. Make sure you look and smell nice, drink plenty of water and be well rested. Smile and give yourself a pep talk prior to walking in the door. This is YOUR DAY!


Do not rely on one strategy alone to get the interview. By finding multiple ways to stand out from the crowd, you will maximize your chances of landing that interview, and ultimately, the job.


Remember, most jobs are not advertised, so entering a company – large or small, with a positive attitude and confidence asking for job, might just be the strategy that works for you. (Don’t be arrogant – arrogant is annoying).


Alternatively, you can call DIA today and we will help you work out a strategy or provide you with an internship program suitable to your needs.

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