It’s all about the profile picture

It’s all about the profile picture

By Noelle Capobianco


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LinkedIn is an integral social media outlet that enables members to network with people within their professional field. It also allows many recruiters and companies utilize to find the right person to fill in that position. As it is a social media it allows people to network through their LinkedIn profile. Who they are connected to provides a lot of information and insight to recruiters to inform them that they are proactive in attaining their dream job.


The LinkedIn profile is the power you possess online. It is, in essence, your brand as it is visible to the virtual, social media world to showcase yourself to potential employees. As many recruiters and companies go through multiple profiles daily to ensure they get the right person to fit into their company and fulfil the role your profile needs to stand out. Therefore the profile picture, the face, the smile the attire are all mechanisms to engage and captivate people.


The profile picture

The profile picture is important as it invites the recruiter into your profile as well as making it comfortable when connecting with other people online. It’s the first point of contact that the recruiter sees and therefore it humanizes your profile to make the right first impression so appearing friendly and approachable through the profile picture is integral.  It’s important to get the LinkedIn profile picture right, as when meeting a contact from LinkedIn for the first time they will be able to easily recognize you. No recruiter wants to see a picture of you at a party you attended over the weekend. This is unprofessional and tells the recruiter that you are not serious about your professional work life.  The profile picture has to capture the serious, professional you. Keep the photos up to date and consistent throughout all your professional pictures to make you recognisable and to develop your online brand.


These simple tips can allow you to make the most out of your LinkedIn profile picture in order to invite the recruiter in and welcome them.

  • No selfies. Selfies make you look unprofessional and immature.
  • Have a clear head shot. You do not want it to be blurry as it may look out of focus and unclear for when you do meet it may not be  true representation.
  • Smile. Not a crazy, over the top smile, but a warm smile showing little teeth.
  • Neat and tidy hair. Keep you hair neat and off your face. If your hair is short straighten it or keep it tidy.
  • For boys little or no facial hair. You do not want the recruiter to think that you can’t look after yourself because you were too lazy to shave.
  • For women, use very little make up therefore they do not confuse the picture for a party picture.
  • Keep the background simple so the recruiter is not distracted and can focus on your.
  • Wear a shirt, blouse or blazer in the photo to add to your professionalism.
  •  Include the neck and shoulders in the picture so it is not zoomed in and makes the recruiter more comfortable.
  • Keep it clean and simple so they can see your beautiful face


By following these simple tips for the LinkedIn profile picture, it will ensure that you are inviting in the right people by making that initial great impression that can entice the recruiter to want to find out more.

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