20. Make Yourself Look Good with Social Networking (Vol2.No20.110825)

20. Make Yourself Look Good with Social Networking (Vol2.No20.110825)

By Dream Internship

In this age today, you can’t even think about surviving in the business world today without being a Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin geek. The fact of the matter is, knowing how to properly use these outlets will enable you to present yourself professionally, with a big sign over your head saying “I am the one you want!!!!” (in a non-obnoxious manner), which is exactly what you are aiming for. In all honesty, I didn’t want to be a part of Twitter and saw no point in “tweeting” but as time went on, so did everyone else!! I then began to Tweet and engage myself more on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other social networking sites and sure enough, I was back in the race! To all my friends out there who aren’t social networking fans,  here are just a couple tips that I developed after reading the book Likeable social media by Dave Kerpen that might just change your mind.

Tip 1: Facebook/Online Profiles

–       You need to always remember to update your Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and foursquare page regularly. Always ensure that all of your social networking profiles display a clear image of how you want to be represented. There are eyes everywhere on the Internet and even if your boss or future boss doesn’t catch something that may not work in your favor, someone who works for him or her might. It is always a good idea to use keywords in your profiles that are associated with your field of work to give your viewer the cherry on top of the sundae!!

Tip 2: Importance of Twitter

–       Twitter is very important for the simple fact that there are 95 million tweets PER DAY! If this doesn’t strike your fancy, than maybe this will. According to BNET.com, nearly 80 percent of online Americans are now using social media; over 140 million Americans visit Facebook every month and social media now fills 23 percent of the time Americans spend online. As a matter of fact, one of my best friends recently landed a job with a music agency through Twitter! So… now that you know your voice will be heard by millions, Tweet or Facebook much? Making yourself more attractive on social networking sites will help you land that special job, important interview with an awesome company or even better, the perfect networking connection!

Whether you are a Facebook person, a Twitter person, a Linkedin person, a Foursquare person, or all of the above (which I hope you are) than these tips apply to YOU. As the generations continue, so does the progression of technology and quite frankly, not you or I can afford to miss the next status update!

    Sorry, no Tweets were found.