How strangers may help you land a job.

How strangers may help you land a job.

By Tina Huynh (August 17 2012)

It is often the connections we have and the people we know that help us get into our chosen industry. New research has shown otherwise. It has been shown in a study, that workers who have gotten to their current position through a connection didn’t know the person very well. This revelation demonstrates that it may be useful to discuss work with those we don’t usually associate with. Who knows where it may lead you.

One example of this that I have encountered myself was with a fellow university student. During group discussions, she introduced me to a fantastic website that complements well with the arts and entertainment industry. The website mind you, is a great resource for jobs and work experience.

I have found myself continually browsing this particular website, and have recommended it to my fellow peers. As Fiona Smith, from BRW ( has said, it is true that the people you know only know so much as you do, or that they know the same people as you do. Smith has also suggested that strangers may be beneficial to your career as they may hear of job opportunities that will never reach your ears. It is also likely that they will put your name down, whereas a friend might not, having known your strengths and weaknesses.

Having said that, it is possible to advance your career prospects through your connections, and seemingly, those your aren’t so close with. Perhaps then, it may be useful to take some time to communicate with those ‘strangers’, and your next job might be waiting for you.

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