1. 10 Small Employability Predictions for 2010 (Vol1.No1.100125)

1. 10 Small Employability Predictions for 2010 (Vol1.No1.100125)

The last single digit year in the 21 century has passed and I’d like to dust off the officially licensed Dream Internship crystal ball and introduce my predictions for the upcoming year in education, Internships and a work life.

It’s probably been a rocky year for you (I know it has been for me), but I believe there’s some light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

…let’s take a peek

Sophia Demetriades 10 Small Employability Predictions for 2010 (my observations only- not a drop of research was done for this post and no small animals were harmed):

1. If you managed to slog through 2008 or 2009, even if you studied, worked part time or travelled, then you are going to kick ass in 2010. That was the worst of the worst. This will also be the year of finding out what you are truly passionate about. I am passionate about students working through dream internships to find out what they are passionate about, and then achieve success!

2. It’s not over yet. It’s got to be lean and mean from here on out or you won’t make it.
Be financially aware, think, make sound decisions, and work for yourself. I’m here to guide you. Call me today on +61 414 978 683 to find out how!

3. If you’re not comfortable with whom you are and don’t believe in yourself, work on it, now. I believe in you. Now contact me for a dream internship to get your priorities in order.

4. Invest in yourself and your future in any and every area of life. Selfish? Not at all, you need balance to be happy. Be balanced today.

5. You need help. Not only should you be listening to me, but you also need to network with your peers more than ever. If you try to go it alone, the hungry sharks of 2010 will eat you alive. NETWORK!

6. If you can show your potential employers what you are really made of, and what you will do for them by successfully completing a dream internship, you might have a chance of making it.

7. If you are looking to get a job or a resume with an edge, and you want to have the biggest chance of success, with the lowest downside, get started with a dream internship today!

8. I predict that a dream internship will help you reach your educational and professional goals by teaching you how to market yourself, so get in touch now to learn how to make it big time from experts and professionals:

9. People are still hiring every day. The economy has not stopped. In 2010 if you want a job, you just need to know how, where, who and to get the right people’s attention, and you need to write to the people that you have already worked with in the past to get references. Contact me today and I’ll show you how to do it right:

10. I predict that 2010 will be the best year that small business, interns and employees will have in a long time. The big corporations and education institutions have lost it. Students are tired of being screwed over, and it’s the educated and experienced Dream Internship provider that will ride in on the white horse and show those Dream Interns what it’s like to be treated by someone that actually cares about them. That would be me caring about you!

Cheers to your success in 2010,
Sophia Demetriades

P.S. If you still aren’t sure how you are going to make it in the employment market in 2010 and you need a real boost to show you the formula to have anything that you want out of a healthy work life, Call me today on +61 414 978 683.

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