Increase your chances of success

Increase your chances of success

By Noelle Capobianco and Sophia Demetriades


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Some people believe that you can broaden your options and build your mind with positive thinking, which makes you successful, which in return makes you happy.


Open your mind

More of life’s possibilities occur when you allow yourself to see a broad selection of opportunities rather than limiting yourself to a few options.  
Opening your mind to possibilities are enacted through positive thoughts which allows you to build upon your skills. This can create real value and growth within academic and work life, which allows you to broaden your options and build further upon your skill set.


When your mind is closed you may experience negative feelings of fear, anguish and stress and when the conscious mind is more open to options you experience positivity, which makes you happier.


Positivity is integral to allow you to be aware of opportunities and build upon your skill set within all aspects of life.


Positive activities

Activities that can aid positivity and feelings of happiness are writing, meditation and playing, and research says that people who sought within these activities daily are found to be happier and more successful within their endeavors.


Happy successful people

Happiness pioneers success and success is a result of happiness. Happy people develop new skills and build upon resources that make them successful which in turn makes them even happier.


Positivity can lead the way to allow for greater possibilities to attain success through the broadening of options and building upon skills that can generate a path for a successful and flourishing you.


Let happiness lead the way and write, mediate and play today!

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